Advanced Aircraft

These aircraft are for private pilots or higher who have experience and often, their instrument rating. Not instrument rated? Take your flying to the next level, become a safer pilot and learn how the instrument rating opens you to new opportunities in your flying experience. Contact us today to learn about our instrument programs

Cessna Skylane/Stationair (C182/T182T/CT206)

The Cessna 182 Skylane/ 206 Stationair are high performance aircraft, faster, and more powerful, which is great for the serious pilot looking for speed and performance. They are very versatile (4/6 seats and useful loads over 1000 lbs) and WVFC has a number of C182’s and CT206’s with glass cockpits.

Cirrus Aircraft (SR20, SR22, SR22T)

Our Cirrus fleet is among the newest high performance aircraft featured at WVFC. These aircraft are reserved for experienced pilots with an instrument or commercial rating. Capable of cruise speeds of 180kts or more, they will get you where you need to be fast.  The Cirrus fleet is made up of a number of SR20, SR22, and SR22T.

Piper Aircraft (Dakota)

The Piper Dakota is a four-seat light aircraft built by Piper Aircraft and designed for flight training, and personal use. The PA-28 family of aircraft comprises all-metal, unpressurized, single-engined, piston-powered airplanes with low-mounted wings and tricycle landing gear.

Diamond Twinstar (DA42)

The Diamond DA42 Twin Star is a four seat, multi- engine, propeller-driven airplane developed and manufactured by Diamond Aircraft Industries, an Austrian company. It was Diamond’s first twin engine design.Requires instrument rating and multi-engine to rent. WVFC is proud to offer these available for rent in our fleet.

Tail NumberLocationYearMakeModelWet Rate/hrInstrument ReqWeight & BalPOHSpec Sheet
N53KPPAO2005CessnaC182T (Skylane)$230NoW&BPOHSpecs
N727VT PAO 1999 CessnaC182S (Skylane)$215NoW&BPOHSpecs
N1713CPAO 2007CessnaC182T G1000 (Skylane)$265NoW&BPOHSpecs
N2463S SQL 2005 CessnaC182T G1000 (Skylane)$245 NoW&BPOHSpecs
N285CSPAO2020CessnaC182T G1000 (Skylane)$295NoW&BPOHSpecs
N456CS PAO 2016 CessnaC182T G1000 (Skylane)$275NoW&BPOHSpecs
N65504 PAO 2004 CessnaC182T G1000 (Skylane)$259NoW&BPOHSpecs
N945GPAO2019CessnaC182T G1000 (Skylane)$315NoW&BPOHSpecs
N6166QPAO2008CessnaCT182T G1000 (Turbo Skylane)$285YesW&BPOHSpecs
N615KESQL2004CessnaCT206H G1000 (Stationair)$375YesW&BPOHSpecs
N95LGPAO2019CessnaCT206H G1000 (Stationair)$475YesW&BPOHSpecs
N654TRPAO2012CirrusSR20G3 G1000$305NoW&BPOHSpecs
N784DSPAO2021CirrusSR20G6 G1000$360NoW&BPOHSpecs
N977JWPAO2022CirrusSR20G6 G1000$375NoW&BPOHSpecs
N122BMPAO 2017CirrusSR22G6 G1000$470NoW&BPOHSpecs
N413AKPAO2016CirrusSR22G5 G1000$435NoW&BPOHSpecs
N472KESQL2019CirrusSR22G6 G1000$480NoW&BPOHSpecs
N13QAPAO2020CirrusT-SR22G6 G1000$495YesW&BPOHSpecs
N780AKSQL2020CirrusT-SR22G6 G1000$495YesW&BPOHSpecs
N3038BSQL1979PiperPA28-236 (Dakota)$270NoW&BPOHSpecs
N28BRPAO1986PiperPA46-310P (Malibu)$525YesW&BPOHSpecs
N135DAKPAO2021DiamondDA42NG VI G1000 (Twinstar)$520YesW&BPOHSpecs